Introduction of Islamic Banking

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part I: Understanding Islamic Banking
Islamic banking is a banking system that was developed based on the sharia (law) of Islam. Establishment of business system is based on the Prohibition in the Islamic religion to collect and borrow with interest or so-called "usury" as well as investment restrictions for businesses, categorized illegitimate in Islamic law (such as businesses associated with food production / "drink unclean", the business un-Islamic media, etc.), where this can not be guaranteed by the conventional banking system

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part II History of Islamic Banking
Islamic banking first appeared in Egypt without the frills of Islam, because of concerns that the regime in power at that time would see it as a fundamentalist movement. This venture is a pioneering leader Ahmad El Najjar, on taking the form of a savings bank based on profit sharing (profit sharing) which was first performed in the town of Mit Ghamr in 1963. This experiment lasted until 1967, and it was up nine banks with a similar concept in Egypt. These banks, which do not charge or receive interest, mostly investing in businesses and industry trade directly in the form of a partnership and split the profits with savers.

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part III: Concepts of Islamic Economics Relation to Islamic Banking
Islam is a religion that has a concept that governs human life in a comprehensive and universal, both in relation to the Creator (God, God) as well as in dealings with fellow human beings.

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part IV: Islamic Banking Principles
Principles of Islamic Banking are based on Islamic law rules of the agreement between the bank and others to deposit funds and / or financing activities or other activities in accordance with sharia.

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part V: Islamic Banking Products
Based on the Principles of Islamic Banking, The scheme below will explain the application of Islamic banking products in general be applied by Islamic banks worldwide.

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part VI: Basic Concepts of Accounting for Islamic Banking
With the implementation of the principles that are different from conventional banks, Islamic banks provide the accounting implications of differences in accounting principle in terms of both presentation and reporting.

Introduction of Islamic Banking Part VII 

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