Fiscal Policy During the Rashidun Caliphate

Fiscal Policy During the Rashidun Caliphate - Along with the expansion of the Islamic Government to power the infusion of great gains, fai, and other income increased. Then the determination of post infusion "kharaj" against Iraq with ground relies on what is done by the Prophet Muhammad against the decision of Khaibar, and Ijma companions. It happened during the reign of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. For the first time infusion zakat is transferred to the Central Government, it happens when muadh Ibn Jabal send 1/3 the zakat to the Medina area of Yemen and Umar rejected it. The following year, Muadh send ½ Yemen and return results zakat Umar declined, so the following year the entire results of zakat Muadh send and say to Him that in Yemen were no longer mustahik zakat, then Umar received it and goes on to supply the results of an area to a surplus of zakat, which suffers a deficit area. Other sources are set at the time of Umar was "Al Usyur" from the import trade run by the infidel harbi (non-Muslims who live in a country that combatting). The principle of the melandasinya is the reciprocal treatment of Muslim traders who export their goods to the country of harbi.

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