Brief Explanation of Islamic Economy in the Time of Prophet Muhammad

Brief Explanation of Islamic Economy in the Time of Prophet Muhammad - From the explanation that explained above, the conclusion may be taken as follows:
  1. The Islamic prophet Muhammad is a tenacious in running its trading business.
  2. The greatness of the Prophet's trademark is evident from his prowess in trading between the countries which they debuted new gained enormous profits.
  3. When in Makah, economic activity (trade) more before Prophet Muhammad appointed Apostle. While in Medina the Prophet Muhammad in addition to running trade activities, he also established as head of State and head of the religion.
  4. The economic activities of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Medina is leading the market overseer is always active in supervising the legality of market mechanisms.
  5. The Islamic prophet Muhammad strongly prohibits usury in the transaction.
  6. Economic policy.
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Islamic Economy in the Time of Prophet Muhammad:

A. Islamic Economics in Mecca Period:
B. Islamic Economics in Medina Period
C. Brief Explanation of Islamic Economy in the Time of Prophet Muhammad

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